Michele Sharpe
11 min readMar 6, 2021

Walk Away, a memoir

Nightmares & Dreams

Shadowed person on a road in fog with one arm lifted. In the background, a car driving away.
Photo by Ashkan Forouzani on Unsplash

Quick movements near my head still made me jump. Recurring dreams of Jimmy woke me on nights when I was not passed out drunk, and although I drank hard and often, that hair-of-the-dog cure never worked for me, and so I didn’t drink every day. At first, I jerked awake from the dreams when reaching out to touch him. Later, I woke with my heart pounding, gasping for breath from trying to run on feet that stuck…

Michele Sharpe

Words in NYT, WaPo, Oprah Mag, Poets&Writers, et als. Adoptee/high school dropout/hep C survivor/former trial attorney. @MicheleJSharpe & MicheleSharpe.com